品牌 | 上海司乐 | 转速范围 | 50-1600rpm |
产地类别 | 国产 | 价格区间 | 3千-1万 |
仪器种类 | 磁力搅拌器 | 应用领域 | 环保,生物产业,石油,能源,制药 |
T09-1S 四工位数显恒温磁力搅拌器 技术参数:
电源: AC220V±10% 50Hz Power: |
电机功率: 20W Motor power: |
电机转矩: 40mN·M Motor torque: |
搅拌点位数: 4 Number of stirring points: |
搅拌容量: 20~5000mlX4 Maximum stirring capacity: |
搅拌转速: 50-2000r/min Stirring speed: |
加热功率: 600Wx4 Heating power: |
温度、转速显示: 数码管 Temperature, speed display: Digital tube |
加热盘温度范围: 室温~330℃(超温保护400℃) Heating pan temperature range: Room temperature ~330℃ (over temperature protection 400℃) |
液体温度范围: 室温~250℃ Liquid temperature range: At room temperature to 250℃ |
控温精度: ±0.1℃ The temperature control accuracy: |
加热盘尺寸: φ140mm Heating disk size: |
加热速率: 100k/min Heating rate: |
工作盘材质: 不锈钢镀黑 Work plate material: Stainless steel blackening |
传感器: PT100(外置和内置) Sensors: |
外壳防护等级: IP21 Housing protection class: |
重量: 13.7KG Weight: |
外形尺寸: 430x360x175mm(不包括表杆) Dimension: |
允许环境温度: 0~40℃ Allowable ambient temperature: |
允许相对湿度: 80% Allowable relative humidity: |
电机保护: 堵转、过流保护、自恢复 Motor protection: Blocked rotation, over current protection, self recovery |
附件:长、短表杆各壹根,温度传感器及支架壹套,搅拌子壹个 Attachment:Long,short watch rod one,Temperature sensor and bracker one Stir the particles T09-1S 四工位数显恒温磁力搅拌器使用方法 |